
www.nutritionfoundation.org.nz good for summaries of current issues and background.www.heartfoundation.org.nz good for information on diet and disease prevention.

www.healthed.govt.nz comprehensive catalogue of health resources from the Ministry of Health and Health Promotion Agency. Has a healthy eating section.

www.healthyfood.co.nz good for summaries of current nutrition issues.
www.health.govt.nz reports and food and nutrition guidelines including the annual health survey which tracks health and well-being behaviours.


scoopnutrition.com blogs by registered dietitians and nutritionist on current issues. Also has Storehouse, a blog directory of food, nutrition and health bloggers with credible content.
www.livestrong.com has a focus on prevention of cancer but a good place to look for general nutrition summaries.scepticalnutritionist.com.au the science and ideology of healthy eating from Australian dietitian Bill Shrapnel.
www.sportsdietitians.com.au/factsheets information on the latest sports nutrition information.
www.nutrition.org.uk comprehensive food and nutrition information from the British Nutrition Foundation.
www.foodinsight.org summaries of the science behind food and nutrition issues.
www.eufic.org summaries of the science behind food and nutrition issues.
www.health.harvard.edu comprehensive information on living a healthy life from the Harvard Medical School.